How would you make a global market?

I am curious on how you would make a global market where once a player adds something to the market, It adds it to the market in all of the servers. Guessing i could use messaging service.

well you could, but you can also use data stores to do it and make it refresh the market every few minutes or how ever long you want to do it in a loop

Yea do you happen to know if there is rate limiting on messaging service? Im guessing there is but what is the cooldown?

id check out the messaging service docs, but heres some info:

Do you think that messaging service would be better than using datastores?

well, i personally dont think so, it could be easier. but the problem here is that you can only send one message per 210 seconds (just 1 player in the server, it will change the more players you have (150 + 60 * playerCount) as said in the docs) but you can try with it

most donation boards use data stores to send data to all servers

Fair point, Ill stick to datastores. Thanks for your recommendation.

Since when did it say you can only send 1 message per 210 seconds? That would make messagingservice near useless. What it actually says is you can only send 210 messages per minute if one player is in the server.