How would you make a heat distortion effect?

I want to achieve an effect similar to the one emitted from the engine of a plane, how the surrounding air warps from the heat of an engine. I know that you can achieve similar effects with post processing but I would like to know if you could create this in a particular area and not affect the entire screen. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Maybe insert the logic used on a camera and insert it to the specific transparent? parts. I honestly have no idea how to do it, but you should give it a try! :hidere:

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You could try using the glass material (it makes everything behind it have like a fisheye effect idk)


I think I’ll try that. The only thing that I’m concerned about is making it look natural as if I just apply glass texture to a cube and stick it to the back of a plane it won’t look good.

was messing around and found an interesting effect by putting a very light smoke effect on a part; i feel like it spreads out too much and it’s also affected by wind but both can be addressed with particleemitters using a similar texture


I dont think OP wants that but that’s neat i also think it could make the fire effect be better!

Sorry I didn’t see your reply. This is a cool feature to keep in mind but as Nohyo008 said this is not really my desired effect. I was looking for a more distorted effect that can be applied within a certain area. Thanks for the reply anyways.

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I just made this and i think it looks pretty convincing!


Parts somehow look distorted if you:
• Put a highlight on it with surface and outline transparency on 1
• Make the material glass.
• Make the transparency above 1, the higher, the more distorted.

HeatWarpModel.rbxm (5.1 KB)
May need to tweak the code a bit to your liking!


Oh what you can do is use a fisheyepart like mentioned above and tween the size around. I did something similair for a water distorted camera