How would you make a player not bring a chair with them when teleported by an admin?

So, basically using either the “to” or “bring” command while the target is sitting will end with the seat coming with the player. I tried making the player jump before teleporting, but it didn’t work. I’m not an expert scripter so any insight would be nice. = function(sender, arguements)
	if sender.Name == "owner1" or sender.Name == "owner2" or sender.Name == "admin1" then

		local playerToTeleport = sender
		local PlayerToTeleportTo = arguements[1]

		if playerToTeleport then
			local plrToTp = findPlayer(PlayerToTeleportTo)

			if plrToTp then
				sender.Character.Humanoid.Jump = true
				playerToTeleport.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = plrToTp.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame 

Theres an weld between the chair and the player. When you teleport the player. You must delete the weld first

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For deleting the weld, would I look in the player model or the chair?

I found the weld and deleting it will make the character stand, but how do i find the seat the player is at through their character?

Try setting humanoid.Seated to false.

Also, to find the seat they are at, you can use humanoid.SeatPart

That weld instance is by default always named “SeatWeld”.

Humanoid.Jump only works from the server (changes to the property do not replicate from the client).

Humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Seated, false)