How would you make a script that crashes a players roblox app?

So, of course a lot of games deal with exploiters, and I want to deal with them by crashing their roblox app, causing them to leave. If they join again, same thing happens. I am not asking for entire scripts, just suggestions, and tips. Is this even possible???

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I guess you can use while loops and heavy calculations to overwhelm the client, it’s bit weird that you asked this, but here goes:

while true do

    for i = 1, 999999 do

        print(math.sqrt(i)) --square root calculations are expensive



However, this has to be in a LocalScript. Meaning, an exploiter can easily change and remove this to keep them from crashing.

I’d suggest just kicking them using player:Kick(). It’s server sided, so exploiters can’t alter it.


Couldn’t you just kick them from the game, using


as this would be better for dealing with exploiters.

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yes but how would you permanently ban them?

How would you kick a certain player?

Hehehhe, more like

while true do

    for i = 1, math.huge do

        print(math.sqrt(i)) --square root calculations are expensive



Use datastores to save a boolvalue for each player.


You’d just get a certain player who commits an offense. You must have some sort of trigger system, right? For example, if they touch a brick out of bounds, you know that they’re cheating to get there:

outOfBounds.Touched:Connect(function(player) player:Kick() end)
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Idk the script for it, but make it generate a ton of parts on their screen, but nobody else’s.:rofl:

Ok but does the “:Kick()” permanently ban them?

Use some sort of ban list (there’s a bunch of plugins/resources for you to do so) and script for the player to be added to it once they get kicked

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I think it just kicks them…

Oh…, I’m kinda a new dev, so idk what I’m talking about.

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No, it’s a one time kick. You would need to create a datastore and save a value saying that the player is banned. There are a variety of ways to do this.

You could ban the player a way other than crashing their app

I saw this in another post, maybe it would work?

if prop == “SimulationRadius” then

What is a simulation radius? (30 chars)

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Idk,I just saw it another post

Can you send a link of that post please?

Yeah, hold on a sec…