I want to make a group and sell clothes but I don’t have Roblox Premium. I don’t want to hire anyone nor buy Premium I don’t know what to do. Is there a way to sell clothes without Premium someone please help me.
you still need roblox premium in order to make clothes and group and stuffs.
I don’t think there’s any way for you to sell clothes by yourself.
However, you could find someone with Premium to upload your designs.
Make sure they’re okay with doing it for free, and not just stealing your designs.
There is no way to upload a t-shirt unless you get a premium user to do it for you. If you are trying to transfer robux, then you can make a gamepass in a game that is located in the group. If you need me to try and upload the t-shirt, dm me SpiralRBX#5787
ok thanks I will send u a request my
discord is nickstervs#5332
Alright. Glad I could help!
The simple answer is that you can’t. The clothing that you upload will only be able to be free, and you need Premium to set a price.
You have to have premium only to put shirts, pants and t-shirts on sale. Groups can be made with 100 robux, group roles are 25, and you can join up to 100 groups for nonpremium users, and 200 for premium.
Just thought I would clarify that for you.
You can make clothing without premium.