Hello! I’m currently fairly close to releasing my first major game. Since this is my first release, I’d like to know how you handle the release of your games. My goal would be, like every developer’s dream, to hit front page. My game is a Simulator and as all of you know, they tend to become very popular. I’ve opened it up for testing and have been able to get 50 Group Members, ~900 visits and 15 players at once, in 4 days. I only invested 50R$ per day in ads to see, what CTR I’ll get. I have a fairly large budget of 70kR$ but I don’t want to invest more than 10k or 20k in ads.
I would suggest try reaching out to communities that like to play Simulator style games. Perhaps you would try to create connections with various users who have a small following such as small YouTubers or bloggers or something along those lines. Of course, getting people already part of your community to outreach and try to grab their friends is essential also.
Actually it doesn’t have to be a small youtuber and it isn’t much harder to get a big youtuber to play. A friend of mine got Poke to play their game.
Edit: I realized I never said how to do that. Obviously it’d be useless to comment on the video asking so instead go to their channel then the “About” section and scroll down to the business email section. Sometimes a Captcha will hide it until completed.
You would need to get a good, strong and friendly community to be in a discord or group. If you want to get to the front page, 90% of games are updated by the week. To always have new things. I suggest adverts if you have a catchey advert otherwise its a waste of valuable money. I do hope your game gets big and comes out as a positive.
Thanks for all these comments and ideas! Does anyone of you know a Discord Server dedicated to Simulators or something like that, where I could advertise my game?
Organic growth. The Roblox QA Discord and the DevForum itself (Cool Creations: don’t advertise, but at least showcase a creation or two that’s cool) are already some ways of putting it out there that your game exists and maybe also attracts interest.
I am in two communities that were completely organically grown, no ads. The games they are creating are still in development, however both of them rose to the front page for a decent period of time (Top Rated) which rose their player count and expanded their community by quite a large number over time.
Thanks for the info! It’s quite hard to organically grow your community but I have a few games in mind, that have managed to do that. Unfortunately, I don’t have team members, that could help me bring attention to my game. Although, I’m thinking of hiring some people. I’ll make a post in #help-and-feedback:cool-creations and maybe contact a few of my friends and some YouTubers to bring attantion to the game. Let’s see how this works out.