How would you turn off Gui snap on roblox?

This has been bugging me lately and I am wondering if anyone has a solution to this, because every time this happens, I would have to position it in properties, and doing so would take longer than just moving the UI with your mouse.


I believe the proper way to position and scale UIs is by using the properties window. Dragging UI objects using the Roblox Editor will use offset to position the frames and this will not work well when making your game adapt to different display sizes. You should look into using Anchor Point, Size.Scale and Position.Scale for adaptable UI. Offset is usually used for fine adjustments, I also had a hard time learning about Scale VS Offset and it really makes sense why these two differ in terms of usage.

As for disabling the snapping for UIs there isn’t any way to disable this.

The Roblox Editor uses scale for positioning, however in a very unusual way, not sure how they calculate it though.


Reading this is very disheartning ngl because its really annoying when working with finer ui details