How's my case/crate opening animation?

This is the animation for the case opening in my game: Hoop City (BETA).

I’d like some criticisms before I release this update


It looks really cool and so smooth. So yeah it‘s very good!


Thank you man! tried making it as smooth as possible


It’s really good when it open though maybe make it bounce back a bit more cuz the light looks powerful


Super smooth and minimalistic. Love the way you executed it, with crate opening taking less time + more satisfaction.


It’s decent. :wink:

Rating: 7.0 :star:

Your animation for the crate opening is decent. Straight to the point, clean, smooth, minimalistic, simple, and not too complex to understand. However, there are a few things I’d like to point out, thus, they should have some improvement.

  • Right off the bat, the GUI could receive a tween-out sorta effect, and the crate should be centered in the user’s screen.
    • This will allow the crate’s opening to be in main focus, and, when the unlocking is complete, the GUI will tween back into the screen.
  • Secondly, there are no SFXs (AKA sound effects) during the unlockage, which will build up some anticipation, and that’s what we want here.
    • Look around other replies and see if they have any ideas to give some anticipation for the animation itself.

Overall: 5.5
1 - 10 [ 1 being "What’s that, 10 being “Absolute perfect”]

The overall animation meets all the needs, its clean and too the point. As you did not provide any specific goals of the animation itself or what you were shooting for I will be applying a generalized Animation review to this.

There is a lot of room for anticipation building, roughly 1 to 2 seconds you could have the case bucking or vibrating and the buckels on the front straining to build up to the pop open.
There are many different ways you could go about this, but you have some lead time that nothing really is going on that is a perfect time for anticipating building.
I would also recommend taking 1 or 2 more seconds of time to build anticipation before it opens for that rumble.

Upon the opening, you need some squash and stretch here. It’s a bit linear, aka take your overall frames, keep your timing the same at the end, just make the earlier frames have more time between them and the ending frames have less time between. So you can get a bit more of a “SNAP” like a whip when it opens.

Move some rotation in the lateral space. Currently the motion is all forward and backwards rotation for the open for the most part, add a bit more jossle in the lateral.

Remember to use “Holding Stops” when something is coming to rest.[ Old school animator trick here, you take your final frame. Move the timeline to 2 to 5 frame before it, then keyframe everything there. then grab your final frame and push it farther down the timeline. This is a subtle effect, but it fakes signals to the brain about momentum and the settling of objects in motion.

At the end, you could give the Case a bit of personality by having it almost yawn, or stretch open and then close. As the close is some of the most obvious linearish feeling of momentum. If not that def spend some time with the stretch and squash to give it a bit more snap clap.

Again, a 5 for me is not a bad score. Animation is all about the sum of many subtle elements. At its present state its a touch above what I would deem average. Which again, sometimes that’s all you want. I am a very harsh judge so please do not be disheartened. You may not agree with my assessments and break downs, which is totally fine as well.

If anything, with a few subtle touches, a dash of character. This could quickly jump from a 5.5 to a 7+ in my book.