The ui is darked themed and the darked themed ui has a title above. The design looks perfect but you should add a bit more detail. In my suggestion You should add shadow a bit lighter mode.
Add a title above.
Add shadow frame a bit grossy.
The design looks pretty good(8/10 rate)
The play menu looks perfect.
Keep it up!
Hey there! I really love this work! I don’t specialize in UI designing, but is grey the right colour for the third one? Just my opinion on this, and as I said, I don’t specialize in UI designing so what would I know.
Make the text stand out more and make it slightly larger. The layout looks great! Maybe make the corners more rounded. I think that the clothing on the models is low quality compared to the rest of the UI.
Ryan, Founder/Owner of Light Yeti Studios
Looks good, however, I think you should edit the avatars to have something to do with their assigned categories because it doesn’t look like they fit in as of now.
I love it! I’m not the best UI designer, but this looks great! It heavily reminds me of Roblox’s newer UI’s, and it’s cool because I think it’ll fit in really well.
Honestly, I think I’d like to see the chat looking like this as well…
It looks good; almost too good. Might wanna make the background a tad bit more lively and the text a little larger. And add image labels to add life to buttons
Tons of unused space, might not be finished but could include a timeline or a song queue.
I won’t say anything about this space because I understand there would be more buttons in the future BUT still you could have placed the current buttons in the center.
A back button here would be useless since what would it do?
Could close it but you already have a close button.
“hey, shlex”
This could have been “Hey, {PlayerName}!”. For example:
“Hey, TheUnderratedDev!”
Remember to always capitalize the first letter in each sentence.
Padding for the close and back button is different for the header/title.
You can easily realign them by using the snap position feature or by using a separate frame.
People would usually tell you about this (aka the reply above this one).
Here’s kinda more info on alignment (here)
Welp that’s my opinion on this, good luck with the other UI projects you have coming up!