HTTP 400 (Bad Request) Error

Hello, I’ve been receiving errors often about my coding, And I’ve necessarily desire for some help.

I got an error, Which I don’t know what is an issue inside my script.

local Feedback = '**```Description: \n'..Feedback..'```** '
local HookData = {
	['username'] = "Feedback",
	embeds = {
		{timestamp = TimeStamp(os.time()),
			fields = {
					name = "**```Feedback Received from: "..Player.Name.."```**",
					value = Feedback
				color = 16556044
	local HookDataSend = HttpService:JSONEncode(HookData)
	local Success, Result = pcall(function()

The error.


99% sure this is the issue. Can’t help you further unless you show the TimeStamp function

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I finally figured it out, It was from the time stamp.

I appreciate it, I didn’t notice it. Til I check.