I’ve seen people implemented this Webhook from Discord. seems useful to me. But I got this error stated as the title of this topic. did search it on this forum most of them are due to their own mistakes which is not the same as mine… please help, i cant identify the problem…
Edit: Just in case some may asked, I did try to print every variables that i throw in the webhook. All of them works.
local data = {
["embeds"]= {
["title"] = "Big Test",
["description"] = player.Name .." joined to test",
["color"]= 782631,
["fields"] = {
["name"]= "Check: ",
["value"]= "check"
["name"]= "Attempt: ",
["value"]= Att
["name"]= "Coins: ",
["value"]= Co
["name"]= "Group Joined: ",
["value"]= group
["name"]= "Stored Digits: ",
["value"]= Digits
["name"]= "Result: ",
["value"]= result
local url = "Webhook URL here"
local finaldata = HttpService:JSONEncode(data)
HttpService:PostAsync(url, finaldata)