HTTP 400 (Bad Request)

I made a HTTP discord log, and when i try and send the message, it gives me the [ HTTP 400 (Bad Request)].


	local guy = findplayerbyinput(yeet)
	game.Lighting.Assets.Despacito2:Clone().Parent = guy.PlayerGui
	game.Lighting.SystemMessage:FireAllClients(guy.Name.." got BANNED by the console! Reason - "..reason,Enum.Font.Arcade,,0.5,0.5),true)
	guy.banfolder.Banned.Value = true
	local HttpServ = game:GetService('HttpService')
	local url2 = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

local data = 
        ["content"] = "",
        ["embeds"] = {{
            ["title"] = "Console Ban",
            ["description"] = "Name of Player "..guy.Name,
            ["type"] = "rich",
            ["color"] = tonumber(0xff0000),
            ["fields"] = {
                    ["name"] = "Admin",
                    ["value"] = plr.Name,
                    ["inline"] = true
                    ["name"] = "Reason",
                    ["value"] = reason,
                    ["inline"] = true
                    ["name"] = "yes",
                    ["value"] = "e",
                    ["inline"] = true
    local newdata = HttpServ:JSONEncode(data)
    HttpServ:PostAsync(url2, newdata)


Try setting data to:

local data = {
["content"] = "something random here";

This will allow you to narrow down the issue to see if it’s an issue with the table, or an issue with something else.