Hello, I’m trying to use glitch and upload info to it, but I get an error: HTTP 401 (Unauthorized)
this is my code:
Any help appreciated!
local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
local mySite = "https://myGlitch.glitch.me"
http:PostAsync(mySite, http:JSONEncode("This is a test message"), Enum.HttpContentType.ApplicationJson)
Well, it said it’s an string on the devhub, but I don’t know, I’ll try encoding an table but still won’t fix that I do not have access to even post there.
Here is some sample code that I made with HttpService:Post() for a trello module. This is how it should be formatted first you put the link that you are sending data to. Then secondly you pass a table with all the arguments you would like to change.