"HTTP 403 (Forbidden)" error

I want do like goal meter and im trying to get likes amount but then i get “HTTP 403 (Forbidden)” error.

I have HTTP requests enabled

Server Script Code:

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local data = HttpService:GetAsync("https://games.roproxy.com/v1/games/votes?universeIds="..game.GameId)

Can someone help?

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Make sure HTTP requests are enabled in the game settings. Also, roproxy may be down. Either one of these can cause this error.

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HTTP request are enabled in game

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Make sure the HTTP requests are in a server script. You can use RemoteEvents to go from client to server.

Also, if you need to, use the roblox api from here:

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For some endpoints, you would have to provide a cookie (.ROBLOSECURITY)

Although the response’s body would be a forbidden message, this exact endpoint seems to block the request itself. And I don’t know why.

If your game is fairly small and doesn’t require a lot of requests to be sent. Do not use proxies, see this for more info.

If you still insist, ask a developer for RoProxy.

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Most likely the problem is on the proxy side, since it does not work for me either and this happens to him quite often.

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It means what it sounds like, You dont have permission. I believe roproxy got shut down so that might be why or add a .ROBLOSECURITY

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I’ve been getting the same issue with Youtube Subscriber API Module, game is public, http requests enabled, api services enabled, same error on studio and roblox.