HTTP 403 (Forbidden)

I just made a lobby and a extra place in the asset manager. I made a script where it should teleport me to like a specific level. here is the issue in roblox studio i get a HTTP 403(Forbidden) error and in roblox self a Teleport Failed “Attempted to teleport to a place that is restricted errord code 773”
I already made my game public and allowed http and 3th party teleports

I use 3 things a script in a textbutton which is

local Play = script.Parent.FrameBase.Play
local TeleportEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.TeleportEvent


i also use a remote event in the ReplicatedStorage and a script in the ServerScriptService which is

local TeleportEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.TeleportEvent
local TPS = game:GetService("TeleportService")

	local Players = {}
	table.insert(Players, plr)
	local PrivateServerCode = TPS:ReserveServer(15973314021)

	TPS:TeleportToPrivateServer(15973314021, PrivateServerCode, Players)

You can’t teleport in the Studio.

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Teleports don’t work in studio, also make sure each place is published even if it’s a blank baseplate otherwise it won’t work

Alr I feel so stupid now Im not really a fan of watching long videos so I usually only check the scripts to see what they do there I never knew I had to publish the other server too tysm

Hey, you cannot teleport between places in studio. If this still doesnt work make sure Third-Party Teleporting or something like that is toggled on in your game settings and the place you wanna teleport to is public. Hope this helps ^^

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