so i want to make a server list for another place
but it shows the error
local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local GSRemote = RS:WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("GetServers")
function getServerList(placeId)
local cursor
local servers = {}
local response = HttpService:JSONDecode(HttpService:GetAsync("" .. placeId .. "/servers/Public?sortOrder=Asc&limit=100" .. (cursor and "&cursor=" .. cursor or "")))
for _, v in pairs( do
table.insert(servers, v)
cursor = response.nextPageCursor
until not cursor
return servers
GSRemote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, id)
local list = getServerList(id)
GSRemote:FireClient(plr, list)
Error 403 means you do not have access to the resource at the link provided. Last time I checked the v1 games api requires an x-csrf-token.
Easy way to do this securely:
Create a new Secret on your game equal to your .ROBLOSECURITY Cookie (You need HTTPServices enabled for this, but I’m assuming you already do).
Create an API GET request to with a Header containing your cookie and grab the x-csrf-token as a header
Pass that token to the games API for access
Here’s a code mockup on how to do this:
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local function GetToken()
local Secret = HttpService:GetSecret("SecretName")
local Success, Response = pcall(function()
return HttpService:RequestAsync({
Url = "",
Method = "GET",
Headers = {
["Content-Type"] = "application/json",
["Cookie"] = Secret:AddPrefix(".ROBLOSECURITY=")
if Success and Response then
return Response.Headers["x-csrf-token"]
return nil
local token = GetToken()
if token ~= nil then
--your HttpService GetAsync request here, but add the header ["x-csrf-token"] = token
Please lmk if you have any more questions regarding this, I’m happy to help.
thanks for answer, i’ll try that with another cookie from a brand new account cuz yk not safe to put the real one on a game that can be stealed if i do not put enough attention
Using your account cookie as a Roblox Secrets is encrypted and Secure. This is a fairly recent feature, but it allows you to store things like API keys, and access codes in a manner that its not accessible besides what the API request it’s used in returns.
Actually, you might want to do that still. I don’t know how safe is with its mirrors or if anything is tracked. If it’s open-source I might do a deepdive later, but generally I set up my own local APIs for anything I would use something like that for.
Nah you don’t always need to have it always on. I just run the local server whenever I need to access information like that. I can provide a basic skeleton for doing that if you’d like. You wouldn’t be able to access it from a live game instance, but it works for Studio because that is also local.
Yeah, to have this as a live feature in-game you would need to do it via script like you are currently doing with the added stuff. That being said it can be helpful to debug with a local server like this.
local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local GSRemote = RS:WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("GetServers")
local function GetToken()
local Secret = HttpService:GetSecret("DWICHANGEDTHENAME")
local Success, Response = pcall(function()
return HttpService:RequestAsync({
Url = "",
Method = "GET",
Headers = {
["Content-Type"] = "application/json",
["Cookie"] = Secret:AddPrefix(".ROBLOSECURITY=")
if Success and Response then
return Response.Headers["x-csrf-token"]
return nil
local function GetServerList(placeId, token)
local cursor
local servers = {}
local Success, Response = pcall(function()
return HttpService:RequestAsync({
Url = "" .. placeId .. "/servers/Public?sortOrder=Asc&limit=100" .. (cursor and "&cursor=" .. cursor or ""),
Method = "GET",
Headers = {
["x-csrf-token"] = token,
["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
if Success and Response then
local responseData = HttpService:JSONDecode(Response.Body)
for _, v in pairs( do
table.insert(servers, v)
cursor = responseData.nextPageCursor
warn("Failed to fetch server list:", Response)
until not cursor
return servers
GSRemote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, placeId)
local token = GetToken()
if token then
local serverList = GetServerList(placeId, token)
GSRemote:FireClient(plr, serverList)
warn("Failed to get x-csrf-token")
GSRemote:FireClient(plr, { error = "Failed to fetch token" })