HTTP 429 - Urgent Issue, Retention Loss

Recently, we have encountered an urgent issue plaguing our game. Our game has an avatar editor that requests live data from the marketplace. We’ve had a series of player reports come in that our editor is not loading fetched accessory/clothing categories, essentially rendering our editor useless to our player base. Within the past 24 hours error reports have stacked up with “HTTP 429 - Too Many Requests” & “Can’t Grab Next Batch HTTP 429”.

We’re at an increasing rate of CCU right now, and our editor is apart of our core gameplay, so we’re taking hard hits to our retention and session length. It’s important to note that the main game has not had any published changes for around 5 days now, we haven’t touched or changed the code behind our editor, and we have tested this same version of the live game under our testing place, and the issue still seems to persist only in our main game.

Our only idea as of right now is that this issue extends past our side of things, and we’re urgently seeking out assistance from Roblox.

The Console Reports

Error Reports Jump (Past 24 Hours)

Loss of Retention & Session


How are you requesting the data from the marketplace (show code examples)? I assume you have some type of proxy web server that you’re requesting the Roblox API through - are you sure it’s not that that’s throwing this rate limit error?

I use Roblox data fetched from marketplace/avatar APIs in my game through a proxy server and am not experiencing these 429 responses.

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Thanks for your response. The game uses AvatarEditorService’ SearchCatalog and not any external proxy.

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For each experience, this throttling allows you to send up to 100 requests per second to these AvatarEditorService endpoints, regardless of the number of servers or user count. Exceeding these limits returns a 429 Too Many Requests error.

AvatarEditorService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

Looks like you’re hitting the limits set for the AvatarEditorService endpoints.
Maybe you can implement some form of caching? Or request higher limits?

I have no idea how other big games making heavy use of these APIs fix this massive issue.

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That’s what the issue was exactly, we were hitting the threshold and it was throttling us due to our jump in CCU. We already worked with Roblox a few hours ago and raised our limit for the game, all is resolved!

It’s funny cause it was thought of that this could be the issue, but we never truely considered it.


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