HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error)

Hey Developers,
I was wondering if anyone could help me as I’m receiving this error which I have never in my developing career seen before. It’s happening when I’m using Player:GetRankInGroup(). My script’s been working fine for a couple of days and this has recently popped up in the last day or two.

As I said, I’ve never seen this error before so any help would be appreciated.

HTTP errors are always bound to occasionally fail. You should be able to simply ignore this issue and let it fit itself with time. I do not believe this is the fault of your own programming.

Well the message explains the error itself, HTTP 500 is an code used by servers to indicate that something went wrong while your request was being processed. 5xx codes are all server codes, the server is a roblox server while your game is the client, this means that you can basically do nothing about it, but to prevent errors in your code wrap that kind of requests in a pcall.

For more information see 500 Internal Server Error - HTTP | MDN

The HTTP Error 500, specifically Server Internal Error 500, is an HTTP status code that is displayed in the browser if the server unexpectedly cannot respond to the request sent. However, users do not find out the exact reason for the error, as this code is a collective status code for server errors.