HTTP Service - Executing pstebin scripts

I have been making a thing where you can execute scripts in a roblox game (Script Builder), it works perfectly and all, but now I am trying to make it so you can get links from pstebin. It keeps coming up with "HTTP 404 (Not Found)


server side script:

local script:

I’ve tried looking on the dev forum and I can’t find anything that helps.

For now I am attempting to print the pstebin script, later I will make it execute it if I figure out how to even print it.

Any help would be appreciated. :smiley:

You could just do, loadstring(game:GetService("HttpService"):GetAsync("")). And the error says that or the pastebin link is incorrect or its just not valid.

At the end you put
What does the “00000” bit mean?

Show us an example of you using this

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There is also no need to url encode the data from the client on the server script

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But I want the user to be able to use any pastebin they have made. Unless you mean I don’t event need the client script?

You do not need to url encode, because when url encoding it will add a bunch of escape tags

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So I just do this:

Be careful when making something like this. Since it’s on the server, anyone can do something malicious. I would recommend a whitelist system where players can only execute scripts that you verify the safety of yourself.

Yeah it should work, and the zeros we’re for the example since I didn’t have any pastebin link to put in.

I know what you mean, but I still can’t get it to work. I just keep getting this error.

Okay, well with both ways I had no issue, the possibility is that you gave a bad url

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Did I completely write my script wrong or is the pastebin link just bad or something?

The possibility of spaces in the data being sent can also factor into this

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Is it okay if you show me your script? So I can compare ours and hopefully find a mistake in mine.

I think you forgot the first argument of OnServerEvent. It should be playerWhoFired, Text instead of just Text .

remoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, text)


Player is always passed automatically to OnServerEvent.

-- Code on the server as an example
warn("Without a URL Encode")
local l = game.HttpService:GetAsync("");

warn("With a URL encode")
l = game.HttpService:GetAsync("""wiMpx51T"));


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Thanks, I know the problem now. It was that I just put “Text” Instead of “playerWhoFired, Text”. Thanks to everyone who helped. :slight_smile:

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