Https error "empty url" help

Basically I’m sending a webhook however it errors with “empty url” heres my script:

local HTTP = game:GetService("HttpService")

local function SendWebhook2(Player,arrestlocationbox,armedwithbox,suspectnamebox,dobbox,summarybox,webhookurl3)
	local Data = {
		['embeds'] = {{

			["title"] = "Arrest Log",
			["description"] = "Confidential",
			["fields"] = {
				{name = "Suspect Name: ", value = suspectnamebox, inline = true},
				{name = "Armed With: ", value = armedwithbox, inline = true},
				{name = "Date of Birth: ", value = dobbox, inline = true},
				{name = "Location: ", value = arrestlocationbox, inline = false},
				{name = "Arrest Summary: ", value = summarybox, inline = false},
				{name = "Signed: ", value = player.Name, inline = false},

			["footer"] = {
				["text"] = "Home Office Systems: " },

	local postData = HTTP:JSONEncode(Data)
	HTTP:PostAsync(webhookurl3, postData)


Hello Polyrabies, you need to add this variable because webhookur13 doesn’t find the variable and his URL obviously.

local webhookur13 = HTTP:GetAsync("") -- Between "", add the link to the webhook.

It’s a variable which already does that

What I mean is you can’t add “webhookur13” just like that. Because the PostAsync doesn’t find any information from the webhookur13.

Btw I made a mistake on the variable script, because you don’t need to add HTTP:GetAsync. You just need to add :

local webhookur13 = "" -- Link inside ""

I have done that already so it should work