[https://discord.gg/prtjakdw9E] Terminated or Compromised Accounts: Compiling a List to Deliver at RDC

I heard your story from EpicC4Troll. You’re welcome!

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I appreciate your wondeful help man, I really hope it does unban me somehow. @Adurite_Star got unbanned already, and for some reasons I’m still not unbanned.


I really appreciate​ thing you did!
Well my old account got terminated for accidently spawn free model inside game and it have exploit script
it been 1 years i still miss my old account it a good memory
Username old account : @s2newton
Terminated 12/03/2022 almost close time my account hit 7 year

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I take that was 12th March 2022.

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Update 1


bans.pdf (220.0 KB)

Update 2

2023-09-08 14:00 PDT

Update 3


The intermediary delivered my letter to Nicole, head manager of this year’s RDC. She and ‘her team’ were present and said they will ‘look into it’. My job is done.


The RDC is wrapping up. Is there any update? What happened?

I sent a letter to someone who will forward it to Nicole. She’s the person seeing all of RDC and should forward it again to the right people.

Am I too late to nominate myself for this list?

Currently banned since May 24 because an item that was archived (or supposed to be archived) got hit with a (otherwise valid) DMCA takedown.
Asked for that item, along with a HUGE list of other items, to be archived on March 19th and was told on the 22nd that the requested items would be archived in up to 30 days - It’s about 6 months later and none of the assets ever got archived.
Roblox support insists that, despite me repeatedly linking the ticket where I requested the items to be archived and pointing out that I was told 2 months before the strike that the items were getting archived and that no moderation should come of it, apparently I never requested the items to be archived nor were they ever archived (alongside the other assets in that original archive request ticket)

Still trying to battle with support over this, although my tickets are often getting ghosted for 3-4 weeks, one getting ghosted for about 8 weeks before getting a response and another one currently sitting on 12 weeks as well as the ticket itself seemingly deleted internally as adding another reply to the ticket simply gives me an autoresponder in a new ticket saying “We no longer support direct email inquiries to this email address” (despite it being a direct reply to a ticket that should exist/has no reason to have been deleted or closed)

As of May-ish, I was sitting on about 90k Robux in my group (earned over the span of like 2-3 years) Was waiting for 100k so I could have devex’d a worthwhile amount in one go. I may be putting some hyperbole on this following statement, but I daresay Roblox stole 350 usd from me.

If anyone has a direct line to a Roblox staff member that isn’t outsourced to a poorer country like the apparent “support” team is, I would much appreciate hearing it so I can get this sorted out eventually.
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It’s frustrating that Roblox won’t give control if you change your mind (or if you’re doing so for legal reasons) and no longer want the asset hosted on the platform.

I wish we could just delete assets already.

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The thing is that not only is archiving supposed to prevent any form of strike/punishment (as the whole idea is you effectively take the asset off the platform and prevent it from being used, not to mention Roblox themselves tells you to do this to any assets you have that contain content you didn’t have permission to use ie big brands, even though you can just unarchive it at any time) but I went out of my way to email copyright_agent@roblox.com over it (who simply sent me to the normal support team instead) and was explicitly told that not only “the removal of certain content you uploaded to Roblox has been received” but “No strike or moderation action should be applied to your account as a result of this request” - Both blatant lies obviously, as I wouldn’t be here malding if at least one of those lines were true.

And yeah, to even HOPE of archiving/removing clothing assets you need to contact support as they outright don’t even have the option on the website itself despite, yet again, the Roblox website itself telling you to archive via the website.


Hey. I already printed the document out and gave a copy to be forwarded to the head of RDC. If things work out this year, I’ll see what we can do in the future.


I appreciate you including me in this list.

An update on the situation:
Roblox never got back to me, but the user in question contacted me. I’ve forwarded this to Roblox.

The included post has his Discord information and screenshots of him contacting me.

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Hey. I only just sent the letter this weekend. Expect 60%-likely a response back within a couple weeks.

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I myself is a victim of a 100k scam on roblox by API and done by : sunelis1234 and blamegameye

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Hi. I’ve already sent the letter out. If things turn out well, I might do this next year.

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Thank you how can I contact you via dizzy?

Here’s my tag .aesthetical if there’s any news of that letter so you could contact me directly :+1:t4:

Hey. I included an update post somewhere near here. Everything that happens from now on is out of my knowledge.

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My username should be on my profile.
! (30 spaces) !#0483

I don’t plan to be active from 2023-10-01 and am migrating to Matrix.

My username there is @VisualPlugin:matrix.org.


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