HttpService: HTTP 403 (Forbidden) Error

I can, but it’s weird… everything was fine this morning, it was working IN studio.

Actually, i have it enabled. it is published tho.

Thought i had it there honestly. Alright can you run this code then show the console output?

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

local function request()
	local response = HttpService:RequestAsync(
			Url = "",  -- This website helps debug HTTP requests
			Method = "GET",

	if response.Success then
		print("Status code:", response.StatusCode, response.StatusMessage)
		print("Response body:\n", response.Body)
		print("The request failed:", response.StatusCode, response.StatusMessage)

local success, message = pcall(request)

if not success then
	print("Http Request failed:", message)

Alright, let me test it, i’ll tell you what happens in a few minutes.

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Honestly i think you should transition to MessagingService instead, this is what i meant by it being more reliable and so on.

Even if you won’t use it i have a test game i can show you that sends player’s positions to every other server continuously, using MessagingService. It allows players to see players in other servers!
I would appreciate if you can consider looking at that so you can see why it may be useful in a situation where you need real-time updates.

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Alright, thank you for your help anyway, ima try to use MessagingService for the announcements, can you teach me more about it please?

Hey there!

Sorry for the late response, I was on a testing account (hence the Bacon in the screenshot).
It seems to be your game, works fine for me! Make sure API is enabled.

Hope I helped!

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I was also using a Script in ServerScriptService, maybe that’s it.


Yooo, no problem man, so do i need to enable this thing?

i enabled it a couple of hours ago and didn’t change anything.

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This isn’t needed, that is just for datastoreservice etc.

Yes, and try

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yeah i was using my script there too.

Try a new game, it works fine for me. Dont know what’s up. Check the response body in the dev console. I will be back in 10 mins.

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What MessagingService does is what it’s name describes, send messages. It allows you to send messages to all servers which can be useful in a lot of ways.

You can see an example i made far up.

(If you want to see just how real-time it is, join this game. One of my accounts is stationed here, you should be able to see where i am even though i am not in your server)
(Link to the game removed, i am reusing the place for something else)

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Alright, thank you so much!!!

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Let me join then! after that i’m going to try it.

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You should make sure you know what you are replying to! Always look through the post first


i joined bro!

I very much see you, not fancy but it does work!

(This can be made better, it is just a quick scrap project i threw together to show you what i meant)