HttpService:RequestAsync(request) yields forever with GET requests in studio

yields forever when sending a GET requests in studio. POST requests are fine. It could be that it is broken on website as well for new servers…?

My packet looks like this:

	--- Request
	local baseURL = Authentication.API_URL
	if module.LOCAL_TEST then
		baseURL = module.LOCAL_TEST_URL
	local url = baseURL .. requestName .. Functions.BuildQueryString(query)
	local request: http_request_schema = {
		Url = url,
		Method = method,
		Headers = {
			["Authorization"] = Authentication.EncodeAuthenticationString(allParams),
	if contentType then
		request.Headers["Content-Type"] = contentType
	if requestBody then
		request.Body = requestBody
	--- Send
	local response: http_response_schema
	local success, result = pcall(function()
		return HttpService:RequestAsync(request)

Nothing has changed recently. GET requests just recently started to yield forever.

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My endpoints are fine. Untouched, processing everything properly and sending a response.

If it is helpful I can private share my entire Http module. But I’m confident this isn’t an issue on my end – PS99 is running on this module and it’s been untouched for months.

Update: it is working but it takes Roblox approx 2 minutes and 30 seconds to process the RequestAsync for GET. Even for small packets.

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you!

Do you have any plugins enabled? They can quickly exceed the HTTP limit even if they’re just pinging localhost and after that HTTP requests will throttle.

Hey, I’m currently experiencing this too with an endpoint of mine:

local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
local endpoint = "URL_HERE"

local res = http:RequestAsync({
	Url = endpoint,
	Method = "GET",
	Headers = {["Authorization"] = "EMULATION_API_KEY"}


This is in-game and in studio. I’m not sure what is the issue.

I experienced this too and the issue was because the server never sent a response and after updating my nodejs code it worked so maybe check your nodejs code (or whatever programming language you use to make your endpoint work)

My server returns a response and it will still hang, so I’m not sure.

This is still an issue for us, is there any signs of it being resolved? Thanks!