Is there a difference between the two? Is there one that is more correct to use, or are they both the same?
- rbxassetid://[ID]
- No significant difference
0 voters
Is there a difference between the two? Is there one that is more correct to use, or are they both the same?
0 voters
Both of these URLS are the same regardless. In Studio, if you paste any ID in, it will default to rbxassetid:// anyways.
You can still use /asset/?id=0, but I find rbxassetid:// a little more convenient in my opinion.
There is not really a difference. It’s easier to type out “rbxassetid://” and that’s what Roblox Studio will default to if you insert an ID into something such as a decal. Use whichever one you prefer, however these will not make any difference to the ID you insert.