Huge flinging issue

Hello. In my game, for as long as it’s been worked on, I’ve always had a flinging issue. It seems to just happen only when a player collides with another player.

All the welded parts I have in my character are non-collide able, and there isn’t any constant BodyPosition or BodyVelocity inside the character. What could explain the cause of this?


Happy birthday! Could you show us a video of it happening or a link to your game?


(please mute the video)
Sorry if you have to download the video. The flinging is very random at times, so I could get a clip in like 30 minutes, but usually, its similar to the character being flung at high velocity around the map.

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It may have something to do with the ragdoll death animation. I have one in my game so I might be able to help you with yours.

What is your solution to this problem?

I recommend turning off collisions between players.

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Hmm…I would use PhysicsService, but collision is a huge part of my game, as it is a fighting game. Any other solutions?

Personally I think it might be a problem with the ragdoll death animation you have, since it seems the flinging only happens when they are killed.

Well, as I’ve stated in the original post, this flinging seems to occur at any point with any collision, even when the player is not in a ragdoll death animation.

Also, besides the topic, why did it say pemanantly banned in the video?

Well, in order to prevent cheaters, I have an anti exploit in my game that was made in hopes to prevent fly hackers, and TPers. It checks the player’s root cframe value every renderstep, and if that cframe value has a certainly high magnitude subtracted from the last saved cframe value, it will ban them.

I see. Anyways, it might be a problem with any sort of custom hitbox or rigging you made. Did you do any of that stuff?

I use magnitude for hitboxes in my game. They check the position between rootparts. No extra parts are created.
Here’s another example. It seems to be a problem with the torso.

Can you tell me waht the solution was? i have smae prboblem

Never found out what the issue was.

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