Huge Game-Pass flaw

I am writing to report a significant issue I recently encountered on the Roblox platform, specifically related to gamepass purchases. I believe there is a bug or glitch that results in a type of a scam, causing users to receive 0 Robux instead of the promised 1 Robux when selling a gamepass listed at a price of 1 Robux.

I understand that bugs and glitches are an unfortunate aspect of any online platform, but this particular issue is highly concerning as it can be interpreted as a scam. If left unresolved, it has the potential to damage the trust and reputation of both Roblox and its dedicated community of developers.

To provide you with more details about the issue, here is a step-by-step breakdown of the problem:

  1. I listed a gamepass on the Roblox platform with a price of 1 Robux.
  2. Another user, purchased the gamepass for the specified price.
  3. Upon completing the transaction, I expected to receive 1 Robux as promised, but instead, I received 0 Robux.

This discrepancy between the listed price and the actual amount received is a significant problem, especially considering the impact it can have on developers who rely on Robux for their work and the potential financial losses they may experience as a result.

I kindly request that the Roblox Bug Support Team investigate this matter urgently and take the necessary steps to rectify the issue. It is crucial to resolve this bug promptly to maintain a fair and trustworthy environment for all users on the platform.

Moreover, I would like to emphasize that if this issue persists without proper resolution, affected developers might be forced to consider legal action. As a responsible and dedicated member of the Roblox community, I genuinely hope that it does not come to that. Therefore, I urge you to prioritize this matter and provide an appropriate solution as soon as possible.

To assist with your investigation, I have attached any relevant screenshots or evidence I could gather regarding the issue. Please let me know if you require any additional information from my end to address this matter effectively.

Thank you for your attention and prompt action in resolving this issue. I look forward to hearing from you soon.




the roblox has 30% taxes so you won’t get full 1 roubx which cause you to only get one robux for example if you make a 2 rbx gamepass and someone buys it you will only get 1 due to taxes.


when you get 1 robux donated it’s not 100% full si the robux is wasted because there is no decimal numbers in robux currency.

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I appreciate your input. However, it seems you may have overlooked/ignored the main point of my message. The issue at hand is not solely about the taxes themselves, but rather the misleading information provided regarding the expected earnings after tax deductions. This discrepancy is what I am concerned about.


The way Roblox calculates the 30% fee is to take 70% of the item price and drop the decimal point with no rounding (not sure why) and use that for the earned. So something sold for 1 Robux means 0 for the seller. It’s odd though because the website normally shows that earnings as 0 Robux, but from your screenshot, the calculation is showing 1 earned instead. As far as I can remember, it’s always taken at least a 2 robux item to earn 1 robux. A 1 robux item is basically giving Roblox free money. :frowning:
I know they do this to avoid exploiting the math to avoid paying Roblox any fee.

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I don’t think people are reading this post. It’s not about the fee, it’s about the fact that roblox wrongly displays how much robux you are earning.


But, the problem is that it shows in “Creator earnings (70%)”, that the creator will still earn one robuk, when instead it should show zero robux.

Actually, changing it to 0 still counts as a scam, since many people have sold items for 1 robux, and didn’t get the promised amount, the actual fix for this is to make it give out 1 robux aswell as compensate the users effected, again this is suable, any developer can take it to court!

I still believe the flaw is the website and internal to Roblox. A 1 robux item never pays the creator. The minimum should be 2. If a 1 robux item paid the creator 1 robux, you could sell an unlimited number and never pay the Roblox tax. If Roblox made the robux work with decimal precesion and round when needed, then a 1 robux item would work as intended. Until they change that, it’s a website bug.

A simple fix would be allowing decimals to be used in Robux

how is this a huge flaw? also you realize this will just get ignored because it doesnt follow the bug report format


I’ve seen this before. I’ve heard from a lot pof people that 1 robux gets you nothing. I think that the dashboard rounds it but the pending robux floors it instead.

This is possibly the worst idea i have ever seen on any forum ever


Thanks for the non-existant argumentation. If it’s the worst possible idea ever then why do countries have cents?

Unlike you, I will argumentate on why decimals (or “cents”) are needed in Robux: The issue OP has would happen with any quantity actually. Take, for example, an item that is priced at 101 robux. The seller would receive either 70 or 71 robux (I forgot if it’s floored or rounded), when in reality it’s 70,7, and that is a huge flaw because, after a lot of sales, there’s basically free robux for either Roblox or the seller.

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I do think using decimals behind the scenes isn’t a bad idea, but I could see it being difficult for roblox to implement if it isn’t already working this way.

Albeit, I wouldn’t be surprised if it is working this way already, but that it’s just being rounded when shown to us. And this issue of showing the wrong amount would still persist.

I can see many reasons why roblox wouldn’t want to display the decimal amount to players. Gets messy quick.

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I’ve always thought that. But I don’t know if this bug report has tested it multiple times to see so.

A US dollar, for example, has more value than a singular robuck. A fraction of a robuck would be completely worthless. Not to mention the extra unnecessary complexity adding decimals could create

A lot of countries that have poor value on their coin also utilise cents.

what part of the topic is not following the bug-report format?

This bug is the result of a rounding error and has now been fixed. Thanks for bringing our attention to it and feel free to reach out with any more problems you discover.