Huge Mall Homestore (12 stores)

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Good day! This is probably the biggest commission I have ever made, a huge mall with 12 differently styled aesthetics for clothing. In this post I’ll showcase each of them and the overall look of the mall! All kinds of feedback is welcome!

Images below!

Mall Overall Look :

Central Fountain


I will only show some of them to not crowd this topic too much, it already is pretty crowded haha, here are the best 4 stores from my point of view!

Purple & Grey Aesthetic Store :

Kawaii Store :

Anime Store :

Gothic Store :

That’s it for this mall, I could’ve show the rest of the stores but it’d be just too much for just one topic. As probably noticeable, each store keeps the same structure, same mannequin count (30-40), pictures on the walls and assets in link with the style of the store. Do let me know what do you think, which store is your favorite from the ones that were shown here? Is there anything that could be improved, if yes, what is it?

Thank you for your time!


My jaw drops every time I see your builds! Great work! @Bloxquility


Far too much white imo. Break it up with some grey or black.


Absolutely agree. It was the client’s request, for the color scheme on the main hall to be white and grey… but I would’ve added a little more grey too.


One thing you could do is make the roof medium grey metal. That is, unless the client asks for everything to be plastic, then just make it grey.


It looks amazing. The person who ordered this is very lucky to have gotten you to make their homestore. I don’t really understand the neon plants and the floor decor pops out of the floor a bit too much.


Oh wow!! These are all incredible, my favourite one is probably the gothic one with the chains and all.

You’re a really good builder, good job!


Thank you for your feedback.

I agree I quite overuse those plants since they’re the only one I have I’m lazy to model plants but I’ll soon maybe make a whole plant kit to add variety in my future builds haha!

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looks amazing!! I would add some more colors in the lobby because it is just grey, but I love this design so much!

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