HUGE Vehicle steering problems

I have a two-wheel vehicle stabilized with a BodyGyro and has suspension and a leaning system. Everything works well except the steering.

When you turn while going slowly the front wheel wiggles ALOT. Much more when just going backwards.

The steering system has a servo that connects an invisible part and the sterm. The sterm is connected with the other parts that rotate along, and the invisible part is welded to the rest of the bike. (image below)

red are the main parts
blue are the parts that steer
yellow are the other parts of the bike
Rest doesnt matter

Servo hingeConstraint settings:

  • AngularResponsiveness = 45
  • AngularSpeed = 10
  • ServoMaxTorque = 10000
  • Target angle = [tuned by script]

The invisible part and sterm’s masses are around 0.375
The wheel’s mass is 1.595 (rear wheel has a higher mass due to the bike spinning out)

I never faced this problem and I would appreciate ANY help.

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Your MaxTorque is waaaay to low. I usually set them at ridiculously high numbers for Servos because you usually want them to move and stay in their positions.
AngularResponsiveness will cause issues and needs to be tuned properly for your movement. For most of my servos I set it to 200 (I think it’s the max, it may have changed over the years) to make the servo try to reach its target immediately. If I want to slow the movement I set the AngularSpeed to something smaller (remember it rotates in radians/sec, not degrees/sec).


This partially fixed the problem, as the wobbling is less common, but increasing the AngularResponsiveness just makes the wobbling much more intense. For some reason, it doesn’t really affect high speeds, just when going really slow, steering in place, or just going in reverse.

I did find a spot to minimize the problem as much as possible, though, but it’s still a big problem.

Here are the new stats in case you need them:

  • AngularResponsiveness = 90
  • AngularSpeed = 2
  • ServoMaxTorque = inf

(edit: sorry for the late reply)


Sorry, by ridiculously high I didn’t mean inf.
I know that HingeConstraint Motors set too high will cause vehicle wheels to jitter around when they aren’t moving. What are your wheel HingeConstraint MotorMaxTorque(s) set to?

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Both hingeConstraint Motors’ MotorMaxTorque is set to inf aswell.

Again, DON’T set them to inf!

Try a number like 10,000,000,000 for the steering HingeConstraint and 5,000 for the wheel HingeConstraint and see what happens.

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This actually fixed most of the problems and fixed some other bugs that were completely outside this topic. The wheel doesn’t wobble while steering, or when going in reverse. As for the wobbling in place, I just avoided it and set the ServoMaxTorque to 250, then 10,000,000,000 while steering. The steering turned out very smooth and there were no problems at all.


I gotta say, thanks a lot!

No worries.
I’ve got a similar system with my cars. When the car has no throttle input or driver I make the wheel Hinges at a low MotorMaxTorque and then increase it only when there is throttle applied.


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