Humanoid camera offset is broken?

I cannot at all modify the camera offset using a script. Please help!

Please state what type of script it is, where it is placed at and what you tried so far

Well I’ve tried both local and server scripts, local script being place in local player, and server script being place in serverscriptservice. I do believe that not so long ago, it worked, but it DEFINITELY as far as I have tried, doesn’t work in a loop

Local Scripts are meant to be placed under Services that start with Starter- (or the complet outcast; ReplicatedFirst). Now I advice you for camera manipulation to place it under StarterPlayerScripts (LocalScript btw)

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
humanoid.CameraOffset = -- insert a vector3

That’s what I meant, sorry. BUT, I have figured the issue. Due to the script doing stuff with the character’s child, It only works in starterCharacterScripts

Nevermind, it is actually now working in starterPlayerScripts too, maybe they fixed it?

Wait, it’s not working anymore

Huh, it seems to only work when I am using math.random(-1,1). No lower

whats the script tho
send it here
it will help alot

for i = 1,30 do
local rando = math.random(-0.3,0.3)
local rando1 = math.random(-0.3,0.3)
local rando2 = math.random(-0.3,0.3)
hum.CameraOffset =, rando1, rando2)

With the variables, of course.

math random doenst work with numbers such like 0.2 or numbers that have “0.” anymore it will always return 0
althought theres an method for that

local ran = math.random(-3, 3)

local numby = ran / 10


I actually only saw this now, but thank you so much!

thamks test 123 char
6969 testttttt (max limit)

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