Humanoid Description, Heads are off

Using the new API for equipping assets on humanoid player avatars, the appearance of Heads are off.

HumanoidDescriptionHeadIssue.rbxm (2.7 KB).
It has 2 appearances to test:

  • Dogu - my current character
  • Bacon - a baconhair / new player appearance (with 3.0 Man package)

Basically, the Head floats above the UpperTorso somehow.



This can be easy to spot when you use “humanoid:BuildRigFromAttachments()” after a while.

  • This bug happens after loading the “Bacon” appearance.
  • It happens in studio and in-game, normal site.
  • I noticed the bug today, when I tested HumanoidDescriptions.
  • I would double-check the code for building rigs or applying heads.

[EDIT: Rthtro proportions might not update as intended, so please check them too.]


I noticed this early when my players kept dying, which I thought might have something to do with the head detaching or scaling from one sized char to another (my test characters were very different). After playing around some I noted that the head would pop back into place if you toggle off and on AutomaticScalingEnabled (an observation, not a solution or even a hack).

hum.AutomaticScalingEnabled = false
hum.AutomaticScalingEnabled = true

+1 for reporting as bug (problem may be related to your other issue)

My other issue was found later.
I was changing height to fix scaling, but your idea might be better.

I was doing that after applying the description and a short pause, so:

hum.AutomaticScalingEnabled = false
hum.AutomaticScalingEnabled = true

The wait was needed in order for it to work for some reason. Due to the delay, the shifting body parts are obvious to a careful observer. May not be the solution you are after. Just offering what I saw in case it helps someone find a true solution.

I tried this one, character spawns with Scaling disabled, thanks to StarterHumanoid.

	if humanoid and humanoid.Health > 0 then
		humanoid.AutomaticScalingEnabled = true 

It also fixes other issue I had, related to Rthro packages not scaling properly.

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Nice! I thought the floating head might have had something to do with why the players were dying every so often when applying a description, and it would require fixing the head thing in order to fix the dying. I guess that was a bad assumption. Thanks for sharing your workaround.

You might want to anchor the HumanoidRootPart for a while as well.

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Thanks, we’ll take a look into this issue