Humanoid Description Isn't applying

Hello! I have a few humanoid descriptions saved for the boy package, man package, and blocky package but when I try to apply these descriptions they don’t work and I just get a black blocky character. This is on a local script.

Code Sample:

-- To replicate, create a man rig and drag into replicated storage and name ManRig
-- Then, create a dummy in workspace
-- Copy code
local Dummy = workspace.Dummy:Clone()
local ManRig = game.ReplicatedStorage.ManRig:Clone() -- I clone because i need the
-- humanoid to be created on the client side to use humanoid descriptions on the client
local ManDescription = ManRig.Humanoid:GetAppliedDescription()
Dummy.Parent = workspace

This is basically the code I had summed up. I’m not sure why it results in a black character without the man package. Test this for yourself on the client. I don’t know why it won’t give a man package to the dummy. Any help is appreciated!

PS: I’ve searched the devforum using as many search terms as I can. If you can find a topic on this, then that’s appreciated too. I just want to let you know I made an effort to search this before making this topic.


I myself tried to apply HumanoidDescriptions on the client, and it didn’t work. After some research, I came to the conclusion that you cannot apply HumanoidDescriptions on the client. You can only apply them on the server.

If you want your Humanoid to be visible only on the client, you could make the Humanoid on the server, apply the HumanoidDescription to it, send it to the client using remote events or anything like that. Then you can fire a remote event to all the clients except the client you want to create the Humanoid for, and when that remote event fires on the client, the client will search for the humanoid (or you can pass the humanoid to it when firing the remote event) and then delete the humanoid from it’s side.

This will make your Humanoid visible on the client you want and the server, but all the other clients will not be able to see it! :grinning:

(Sorry if this method does not work, I haven’t tested it and I’m taking a break from developing)

(and when I say “Humanoid”, I mean the Humanoid of the character and the character itself)