Hello! I have a few humanoid descriptions saved for the boy package, man package, and blocky package but when I try to apply these descriptions they don’t work and I just get a black blocky character. This is on a local script.
Code Sample:
-- To replicate, create a man rig and drag into replicated storage and name ManRig
-- Then, create a dummy in workspace
-- Copy code
local Dummy = workspace.Dummy:Clone()
local ManRig = game.ReplicatedStorage.ManRig:Clone() -- I clone because i need the
-- humanoid to be created on the client side to use humanoid descriptions on the client
local ManDescription = ManRig.Humanoid:GetAppliedDescription()
Dummy.Parent = workspace
This is basically the code I had summed up. I’m not sure why it results in a black character without the man package. Test this for yourself on the client. I don’t know why it won’t give a man package to the dummy. Any help is appreciated!
PS: I’ve searched the devforum using as many search terms as I can. If you can find a topic on this, then that’s appreciated too. I just want to let you know I made an effort to search this before making this topic.