Humanoid Description System not working with R6?

This is the error I keep getting any idea if its because it doesn’t work with r6 or am I doing something wrong?

I believe avatar animations are only available for R15 characters. Also, according to your error, it seems the animation isn’t set up correctly.

it’s because R6 characters don’t have Bones

I found thread with same problem as you have:

Hope I helped :herb:

EDIT: The information here, specifically how the animations are set up, is incorrect. I will change this post in due time. Please see the following post for the proper form until then:

This is happening due to the way Roblox animations are uploaded to the site. When you replace an Animation in a HumanoidDescription, you are actually referencing a package containing animations. You need a very specific setup. Therefore, if you’re using custom animations, you have to set it up exactly the same as how Roblox does it. Here is, for example, how Knight Idle’s hierarchy appears.



I apologize for the extremely late bump, however I am desperate at this point. Is there anyway you can elaborate on this? I’m having a lot of issues with the HumanoidDescription object and trying to change the default walking animations mid-game.

Which part is confusing you and what have you tried so far that didn’t work? If you’d like help on your problem, then you also need to provide exactly what you don’t get and a detailed explanation of what you’ve tried.

Basically what’s confusing me is the specific setup itself to change default animations mid-game. I’m not sure if the entire thing is supposed to be a model that I upload which I later reference as the animation ID, or if this setup needs to be in the game itself.

I’ve already tried uploading it as a model, however it didn’t work and I’m inclined to believe it was something on my end that went wrong. Nonetheless I’ve already made a post about this and have tried various things like changing the ID’s to that of something from the catalog and even making the ID itself in the rbxasset format.

If there is no proper fix to this, are there any better alternatives to changing a default animation (i.e walking, running, idle, etc) mid-game without having to overlap an animation manually?

Here’s the original post:

If you refer to the post I made above, you will see what setup is required.

HumanoidDescriptions in their animate fields expect an asset id comprised of an R15Anim folder, “container” values similar to the ones you find in Animate and then the actual animation objects. Your thread uses a raw animation id for an animation field, not a model asset.

If you refer to the picture in the post, you will see the exact setup required to replace animations at run time. That should be your guiding line. For specific help, I can take it up further in your thread - discussion from another thread shouldn’t hijack this one. The explanation I provided is intended to resolve this thread and your issue should remain separate.

I sort of get the idea now, I do have a couple more questions but as you said before, we can take it up in my thread. I’ll tag you there.