Humanoid HipHeight below or equal to -2 makes the player slide around the floor

I’ve recently been working on a Flee The Facility remake, and when I was working on the crawling feature, this happened.

I have no idea why does making the Humanoid.HipHeight below or equal to -2 does this, it has been an issue for me since early 2021!

Any help is appreciated.

Well, with some testing, I can see that setting it to -2 without an animation doesn’t make it do that weird sliding thing, so it’s probably the animation that’s causing the sliding. Try moving the torso up in the animation. or simply set the hip height to be closer to 0, like -1 or something?

Hip Height Solve?

Ironically, I’ve had the same issue regarding the hip height, and suddenly came across someone saying that you can normally fix it by customly setting the hipheight value if you’ve detected it being below any number.

local character : Model
local foot, head = character:FindFirstChild("LeftFoot"), character:FindFirstChild("Head")

local height = (head.Position - foot.Position).Y
local hip_height = height * 0.5

Or it was something like

local character : Model
local foot, rootPart = character:FindFirstChild("LeftFoot"), character.PrimaryPart

local lower_root_position = (rootPart.CFrame *, -rootPart.Size.Y * 0.5, 0)).Position
local lower_foot_position = (foot.CFrame *, -foot.Size.Y * 0.5, 0)).Position
local hip_height = (lower_root_position - lower_foot_position).Y

Or even raycasting, though unreliable if you’re jumping…

Thank you!! I was just checking on my old posts and found this, I’m actually having the same issue on my crawling system, I’ll try this out.