Humanoid name display bug

  1. Make a Model.
  2. Make a Humanoid.
  3. Put the Humanoid in the Model.
  4. Make a BasePart. For brevity, I’ll refer to it as Bob.
  5. Put Bob in the model.
  6. Name Bob ‘Head’.

Two different things can happen depending on Bob’s particular class:

  1. If Bob is a Part, the model’s Name correctly appears above Bob.
  2. If Bob is any other type of BasePart, the model’s Name is not displayed above Bob until the Humanoid’s hierarchy updates (e.g. by changing RigType or by inserting a part named HumanoidRootPart).

The second behavior is incorrect: Humanoids should recognize the Head part immediately when its name is changed to ‘Head’ regardless of its particular class (as long as it’s a BasePart)