Humanoid Name / Health Display Distance bug

Hello there, (first time creating a bug report, hope it’s in the right place).

I have encountered a small issue when working with the Humanoid Name / Health Display Distance properties. Whenever I change these properties from the server, those changes don’t appear to replicate to the client (or when making changes from the client the changes aren’t replicated to the server). This is without Filtering Enabled on, I’ve tested this in Test mode and have also tested this in online mode. It would appear that the same result is achieved.

Is this intentional or is it a bug?

Steps I did:
1.) Launch a Studio Test server with 2 players
2.) In the Server window set both player’s DisplayDistanceType to “Subject”
3.) In the Server window set Player 1’s Name and / or Health Display Distance properties to 10
4.) In Player 1’s and Player 2’s window: Expand the Player 1 model and select the Humanoid property. The properties we changed in step 3.) will display as 100 for both players.
5.) Another test you can do is change Player 1’s display distance from the Player 1 window to 25 and check Player 1 in both Player 2’s window and the Server window. What you will find is that Player 1’s display distances are not set to 25.


Settings the Distance properties to 10 for Player 1 from the Server window.

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