Humanoid Tragically Dies When Loaded

Pretty much, as soon as my game loads, my humanoid gives up and dies. I’ve been trying to fix this for 3+ hours and I don’t see how to fix it. I have tried removing RequiresNeck, ensuring all joints are connected, and other fixes.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

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Make sure you have all the necesary parts for the humanoid, I believe you need a part named “Head” attached to humanoid Root Part
From Robloxs Wiki under Humanoid:
“The Head part must be attached to a part named UpperTorso or the Humanoid will die immediately.”
“The Head part must be attached to a part named Torso, or the Humanoid will die immediately.”

Sadly my humanoid already has a part named head which is attached to the root part using Motor6D, which is what the template that I modified the mesh values of auto-did

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Oof. The only thing I can think of is that a joint is breaking. But you already looked at them.

Hm, actually on futher examination this template bound the neck to the upper torso, is that what you meant as the correct or could that be the issue? Screenshot by Lightshot

That looks right, does Upper torso exist in the model?

Yes, it does. All the parts do, so I have really no idea… After doing the math, I’ve spent 6 hours fixing this, so my brain has melted. Screenshot by Lightshot

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Yeah I know how you feel, I’ve had my brain melt while working on stuff before lol. I’m currently as stumped as you.

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if it’s a monster (i presume) that shouldn’t die then can’t you just give it a forcefield?

im pretty sure this isnt the solution you’re going for but I might as well try-

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Sadly this didn’t work, but thank you for offering the suggestion!


Wait, that also reminds me. Check if there are any scripts that would damage a player. As they might be glitching and damaging the monster. (long shot but worth a try)

Sadly, not the issue… I’m losing my mind.

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Try searching for any .Health,Disable every line with .Health,And also search for any line with BreakJoints() and :TakeDamage,Or your humanoid max health and health is 0,Try printing the health

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