Humanoid:ApplyDescription no longer applies accessories correctly

Reproduction Steps
Call Humanoid:ApplyDescription(HumanoidDescription) to try to equip accessories onto the character.

Expected Behavior
All of the accessory IDs in the given HumanoidDescription should be properly equipped onto the character.

Actual Behavior
No accessories get equipped onto the character when applying the HumanoidDescription, only clothes/other body parts. Can be seen in the following video:

This issue seems to have started happening on servers after this flag was added (as pointed out by @ItsMuneeeb):


Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Other
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2021-11-08 13:11:00 (-05:00)


No, his script is not broken at all. It’s an engine bug which other games are experiencing as well
My post: ApplyDescription not working properly?


i will revert the fast flag shortly


this should be ok now, fast flag reverted


Bug and issue still persist for me, when using Humanoid:ApplyDescription(), back and waist accessories get misplaced and usually end up where the hat accessories belong.

Screenshot of what happened when play testing in studios:

The unicorn is supposed to be on my waist, not on my head…


It happened again recently, I was using the command in Roblox Studio, whatever I try to use ApplyDescription, it will apply the Body Colors and Scale but others.

But I can apply descriptions with the HumanoidDescription that from GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId corrently.

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Bump because i’m experiencing the same issue. I’ve attached a reproduction .rbxl file for two UserIds that it happens on: 1 and 156.

The issue goes much deeper though, I noticed both of these users don’t have assets displayed on the website.

Subsequent calls to the avatar v1/users/1/currently-wearing endpoint reveals that while it returns a Status 200 OK, the array of assets is empty. You can see this behavior with this example and this example.

I hope this information can be of use in fixing this issue.
HumanoidDescription Bug 7282022.rbxl (48.1 KB)

Would you all mind filing again, if you’re still experiencing problems? The original issue is fixed. These are other bugs with similar symptoms. I’m going to close out the post, thanks again for the report, OP.

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