ApplyDescription not working properly?

Well I was trying to set a new HumanoidDescription for the Dummy, meanwhile it just doesn’t load the accessories. It worked a few days ago. I even opened a new place just to see if anything was wrong with project place that it didnt work on, seems like it won’t work on the newer place too.

Does anyone know what’s up?


My avatar:

The code:

local Description = game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(271040226)



It might be because of the Headless Head. ApplyDescription is just generally buggy and doesn’t always apply accessories correctly. Try changing your avatar and seeing if that fixes anything.

Alternatively, you can also just create a HumanoidDescription from scratch from the data of your Roblox avatar. I remember my friend fixing some sort of issue with HumanoidDescriptions by filling in every single field in a humanoid description with anything.


Same result, something must be wrong with ApplyDescription then


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That could be true also.

I remember my friend fixing some sort of issue with HumanoidDescriptions by filling in every single field in a humanoid description with anything.

Could you also try doing this? Just fill in fields that you want blanks with rbxassetid://0 or something. That fixed something for her, it might work for you. :woman_shrugging:

Other than that, I’m out of ideas. If that still doesn’t work, you can search for any bug reports about HumanoidDescriptions that fit your circumstance. If you don’t find any, create a bug report.

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I will test out once I’m free, will let you know about my issue

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Funnily enough, This happened EXACTLY to me (Only ingame) when I was adding something else. I thought it was something else but it’s apparently not. It is extremely frustrating and I’m pretty sure is affecting every game which uses applydescription at the moment.

Update midway of me typing, This is a GLOBAL issue. It’s happening on my game which hasn’t been updated for around 4 hours now. It was working an hour ago. A good example is my game’s title screen credits:

Seemingly doesn’t apply the description’s accessories on ANY characters (Unless they already have accessories on the avatar, Example are the middle characters). This should be moved to engine bugs because that’s currently what it seems to be.

Can confirm this is an engine bug. HumanoidDescriptions are broken in my game and I haven’t updated it at all since Friday. (it was working fine then)

Link: [💰DROPS!] Case Clicker - Roblox

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Can confirm this is also happening in my game too

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this should be fixed now, the change has been reverted