Humanoid:ApplyDescriptionReset() will NOT work properly for UGC Layered Clothing

Using Humanoid:ApplyDescription() and Humanoid:ApplyDescriptionReset() you can successfully load any AvatarAsset on the client with one exception: UGC-Layered-Clothing. I do not know why this is the case, the above post explains how I discovered this. This seems to be a massive oversight.

Case in point: Run this code twice, once in a script with RunContext Server and one with RunContext Client. I discovered this was the case of the given AssetId but it applies to others as well. Is this a misunderstanding on my part or is this an internal error with Humanoids?

local function MakeLoaderHumanoid()
	local LoaderModel ="Model") -- Load accessory for a "fake" R15 rig
	local LoaderHumanoid ="Humanoid")
	LoaderHumanoid.RigType = Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15
	LoaderHumanoid.Parent = LoaderModel
	local LoaderRoot ="Part")
	LoaderRoot.Name = "HumanoidRootPart"
	LoaderRoot.Size =,2,1)
	LoaderRoot.Anchored = true
	LoaderRoot.Parent = LoaderModel
	LoaderModel.Parent = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
	return LoaderHumanoid,LoaderModel
local function LoadAsset(HumanoidDescription,ClassName)-- Loads this HumanoidDescription and gets the first asset that matches ClassName
	local LoaderHumanoid,LoaderModel = MakeLoaderHumanoid()
	local AddedAssets = {}
	LoaderModel.Parent = workspace
	HumanoidDescription.Parent = LoaderHumanoid
local function LoadAccessory(AssetId,AccessoryType) -- Returns a created asset by doing methods to make them on client
	local LoaderDescription ="HumanoidDescription")
	LoaderDescription.WaistAccessory = AssetId
	return LoadAsset(LoaderDescription,"Accessory")

If you have ran the above, you will notice in one of the loaderrigs there will be an Accessory whilst the other (Runcontext = Client) will not have it.
This is extremely frustrating. Keep in mind this is ONLY the case for UGC Layered Clothing. It does NOT apply to Roblox owned layered clothing, Roblox owned accessories or non layered UGC Accessories. For example, running the code above with a Roblox owned LayeredClothing, or any non-layered accessory both rigs will have properly loaded the asset.

Expected behavior

The expected behavior is for the Accessories to load properly. I do not believe that Humanoid:ApplyDescription and Humanoid:ApplyDescriptionReset should be locked to the server as this slightly complicates ViewportFrame rendering and limits developer creativity.

I opted to include this in Asset Imports due to this pretaining to the way AvatarAssets are imported using Humanoid:ApplyDescription and Humanoid:ApplyDescriptionReset

A private message is associated with this bug report


This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and will come back as soon as we have updates!

Thanks for flagging!

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