PC Info: Windows 11 22621.2428
Date First Experienced: 26/10/2023
Date Last Experienced: 27/10/2023
Reproduction steps:
Insert any bundle item through InsertService (e.g. game:GetService(“InsertService”):LoadAsset(376547767).Parent = workspace)
Save the Model to Roblox
Create a HumanoidDescription
Set the equivalent ID in the HumanoidDescription to the ID of the model
Create a Rig (if not done previously)
Attempt to apply the HumanoidDescription to the Rig (via serverscript or command bar)
Reproduction Video:
(the saving to Roblox was not visible on recording but you can see the mouse movement)
Note: AssetTypeVerification does not appear to affect anything and sometimes the error “Asset id [ID] should have folders for R6 and R15ArtistIntent” appears
Are you uploading the model instance as a model, or the children? I know that using the InsertService the inserted content is automatically wrapped in a model instance. So to re-upload exactly what you got, you’ll want to select the children, and upload them as a model.
Update: It seems to work now with the verification set to ClientOnly
I think it’s due to moderation as using a new model still doesn’t work, although I’ll leave this open in hopes that a proper error can be shown