HumanoidDescription help?

So I’m trying to upload a mesh for my custom HumanoidDescription but it won’t place it in the character no matter what I do.

This is for the RightArm, but for some reason, I tried the Mesh, the Instance that has the Mesh, and even the MeshID itself but it still doesn’t work. Any fixes?

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Mind posting the IDs you’re working with? Can’t do anything without those, since the warning is related to them specifically

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The assetID is included in the error message
3420755361 if that doesn’t work then try the one in the output

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Try uploading the mesh as a model and then grabbing the model ID and putting that in the HumanoidDescription in the RightArm value.

My bad, it is a model, not an asset.

HumanoidDescriptions are actually really weird in the way they work. Some of the behaviour isn’t deocumented if I recall correctly, which means it’s time to make a Documentation Request.

In order to be able to use an arm in a HumanoidDescription, you need a deeper hierarchy. Continue to upload it as a model but ensure it looks something like this:


Reference asset:

Reference code:

game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(86500054).Parent = workspace

If you force an avatar type, you don’t need to include the unused avatar type. For example, if you force R6, then don’t include any of the R15 folders.

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Jeez, I’ll make a request later lol.

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Yeah. Sometimes it can be a little annoying that these kinds of things aren’t documented. I didn’t discover that you needed such a weird hierarchy in your model up until I started loading Roblox presets into Studio (since Roblox-uploaded catalog items worked and not mine). Once I reconfigured my own models to the way Roblox structured theirs, I was back on track.

I honestly prefer not using HumanoidDescriptions because of things like this. They’re stupidly restrictive and adhere to strict demands. Manually adding assets to characters is my best friend and always will be. I could make Feature Requests but I’m too lazy and there’s no telling if they’d actually become realities without a significant push and a good use case (which I have neither).

Agreed, I’d rather just manually make a morph or something lol.
Thank you for the information I’ll take it.