HumanoidDescription:ApplyDescription() problem

As the title said, it didn’t work for some reason. Here’s the result:
The accessories did loaded but not showing

Im working with a clone model. Here’s the code:

local charDesc = PS:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(id)
	local clone = script.CloneCredit:Clone()
	clone.Name = name
	clone.Parent = script
	clone.Humanoid:ApplyDescription(charDesc, Enum.AssetTypeVerification.ClientOnly)

	return clone

Any help is appreciated.

Have you tried to remove the Enum.AssetTypeVerification.ClientOnly?

If it works you should apply the description on the client handled by a RemoteEvent or simply a localscript that runs and waits for its humanoid to apply the description

Yes I tried to remove that, I also tried to do it in the server but still. It worked properly yesterday

not sure what you’re trying to do. But I’d recommend you use this plugin since it allows you to apply humanoid descriptions easily and accurately

Well I’d like them to load dynamically if you change your character’s stuff, so I’ll have to use code

This clone is going into a ViewportFrame, correct? If so, just throw a WorldModel into the frame and throw the clone into that model.

The accessories are not positioning themselves because they are currently undergoing no physics simulation, meaning the constraints that define where they should appear are not running the logic to move them into place. Putting the clone into a WorldModel provides a rudimentary physics environment for the constraints.


Great solution sir! I just need to put them to workspace and wait for a while. Anyway thanks for the help.

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