I want to get the player’s face from Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId() and have it apply to a StarterCharacter
The HumanoidDescription.Face is not the ID to load the face decal.
I’ve searched the developer forums, some external sites, and tried finding a few other solutions
--cant use characterappearanceloaded for custom starter
local head = chr:WaitForChild('Head')
local bodycolors = chr:FindFirstChildOfClass("BodyColors")
local humApp = game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(plr.UserId)
humApp.Parent = script
--where the issue happens
head.face.Texture = basefaceurl..humApp.Face
bodycolors.HeadColor3 = humApp.HeadColor
print("Loaded "..plr.Name.."'s face and head color")
Example using the Check It face. (top is loaded from HumanoidDescription, bottom is loaded from rig creator)
Hopefully the devforum doesn’t give me radio silence this time. Please.