I’m trying to detect when a player has died and remove them from a table. However, the approach I’m using fires multiple times (Mostly 4 times). Is there a way I can get this to only fire once?
A temporary approach that works is:
Creating an “InRound” variable for the player in Script 1
Detecting when the player has died in a Script 2 and deleting “InRound”
Checking to see if “InRound” is present in Script 1. If not, presume they’re dead
Instead, I would like to do everything in one main script if possible.
Here’s my code: Note - Although I’m using for loops, I’m quite certain that this is not the underlying problem.
“creator” is the killfeed from the original Roblox Sword, it’s an ObjectValue of a player
for x = RoundTime, 0, -1 do
Status.Value = "Round - "..TFM:Convert(x, "Default", true) -- Time formatting module (110 --> 01:50)
-- Checks if they're still playing
for i, Player in pairs(AlivePlayers) do
local Humanoid = Player.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
if Humanoid:FindFirstChild("creator") then
-- They were killed by another player
local ResponsiblePlayer = Humanoid.creator.Value
ResponsiblePlayer.leaderstats.Tokens.Value += 5
print(Player.Name.." was killed by "..ResponsiblePlayer.Name)
-- They just died
print(Player.Name.." is dead")
table.remove(AlivePlayers, i)
It fires multiple times because you are connecting the event every iteration of the loop. You should either move the Humanoid.Died:Connect() code above the loop, or disconnect all the events before reconnecting.
This Should clear stuff out a bit (I haven’t run these but they should be fine)
--> First Approach With .Health
for x = RoundTime, 0, -1 do
Status.Value = "Round - "..TFM:Convert(x, "Default", true) -- Time formatting module (110 --> 01:50)
-- Checks if they're still playing
for i, Player in pairs(AlivePlayers) do
local Humanoid = Player.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
if Humanoid.Health <= 0 then
if Humanoid:FindFirstChild("creator") then
-- They were killed by another player
local ResponsiblePlayer = Humanoid.creator.Value
ResponsiblePlayer.leaderstats.Tokens.Value += 5
print(Player.Name.." was killed by "..ResponsiblePlayer.Name)
-- They just died
print(Player.Name.." is dead")
--> Second Approach with a Global Table of Players Alive
local AlivePlayers = {} --> Store Somehow Maybe by Looping through them all Once
for i, Player in pairs(AlivePlayers) do
local Humanoid = Player.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
if Humanoid:FindFirstChild("creator") then
-- They were killed by another player
local ResponsiblePlayer = Humanoid.creator.Value
ResponsiblePlayer.leaderstats.Tokens.Value += 5
print(Player.Name.." was killed by "..ResponsiblePlayer.Name)
-- They just died
print(Player.Name.." is dead")
table.remove(AlivePlayers, i)