I want to remove a player from the game if they die, so I put Humanoid.Died:Connect(function() But that isn’t working. Here is a screenshot:
There are other lines of code as well. Do I need to make a while loop? Thanks.
I want to remove a player from the game if they die, so I put Humanoid.Died:Connect(function() But that isn’t working. Here is a screenshot:
There are other lines of code as well. Do I need to make a while loop? Thanks.
make sure you check correctly if the Player has a Humanoid
, or has a Character
local Array = game.Players:GetPlayers()
for i,p in Array do
if p.Character then -- IF Player has a Character (Might not be useful)
local Hum = p.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") -- Finds the First Humanoid
if Hum then -- If here is a Humanoid
print"Yes" -- prints
The script should work, even with yours, if it doesnt, its likely something preventing the code from running, so i recommend debugging
print"Step 1"
-- next process
print"Step 2"
-- next process
print"Step 3"
-- next process
A while loop would just end up creating new connections per iteration, so much so that it would crash depending on how long it ran, a for
loop is a loop that runs depending on how long it is given, you can give it a number so it could run for that long, or a table so it can run for the items inside
Isn’t working…
@DasKairo is right. You should definitely check if the player has a character or if the player’s character has a Humanoid
Are you checking for when players join the game? Because, from what I see, your code is just checking the current players in the game, which would be zero players since you have not joined, yet.
Maybe this will help:
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
player:Kick("You died.")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local character
character = player.Character
until character
player:Kick("You died.")
The for loop is not running at all…
can you show us the code above this for
Is that all?
But one thing: Why are you creating that many DataStores?
There is no reason to have that many DataStores in your game, you should Instead have only ONE DataStore, and save a Table of Data, its way more efficient than having multiple.
eh im dumb in datastores I focus more on logical stuff and yes that is all
Yeah, then @Ovibion is likely correct, you are probably running the for
loop very early, you should probably wait until there is a Player, or do what He did where you create a Died
Event when the Player’s Character is added.
Its not detecting the if char statement
This thread is becoming ridiculous at this point. You should be starting off with this code:
There’re already several issues with this code. First of all, the Humanoid.Died
event only fires with one character, and it’s done, and it does not work until they rejoin. I’ll use this code as a base since it is easy to work off of to form my examples.
So, the first issue that you’re experiencing is that Humanoid.Died
does not work on the server. This event only works on the client or network owner of the humanoid instance.
So, in your case, how would you accomplish this? Well, you might not even need to tell if the character died in the first place if you can listen for CharacterAdded
Another option is to use RemoteEvents
, which is insecure.
The option I recommend is to wait for the players’ Neck
joint to be destroyed. We can do this with ChildRemoved
or AncestryChanged
To do this, we first need to define the Players
local Players = game:GetService('Players')
Then, we need to define a table array:
local connections = {}
This is quite simple so far. Next, we need to add a function for PlayerAdded
function onPlayerAdded(Player)
--Perform any other data functions here
We will then create a connection variable and connection to CharacterAdded
local connection = Player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(Character)
we will get back to this later.
Inside of here, we can put multiple things. I have some code that searches for the neck, or, if not found, the root joint:
local Neck = Character:FindFirstChild("Neck", true) or Character:FindFirstChild("Root", true) or Character:FindFirstChild("Root Hip", true)
if not Neck then
I also kick them if they don’t have a neck (because if they don’t, they probably are removing it to create inappropriate animations and exploit anyways).
Now, we need to check if the neck is removed. We can do this by listening for the ChildRemoved
event of the parent:
if c == Neck then
print('the player died')
If the child that was removed is the neck, then the player probably died since their joints broke. We can then assume the player died.
Now, we need to wrap up the script by inserting the connection into the table:
connections[Player] = connection
Now, we’re done with the PlayerAdded
function! Now, we’re going to move on to this:
function onPlayerRemoving(Player)
This simply will disconnect the connection made earlier to prevent memory leaks.
We also need to connect up our functions:
Now, we’re basically done with the whole thing. Here’s the full script if you are too lazy to follow this tutorial:
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local connections = {}
function onPlayerAdded(Player)
--Perform any other data functions here
local connection = Player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(Character)
local Neck = Character:FindFirstChild("Neck", true) or Character:FindFirstChild("Root", true) or Character:FindFirstChild("Root Hip", true)
if not Neck then
if c == Neck then
print('the player died')
connections[Player] = connection
function onPlayerRemoving(Player)
I’ve tested it and it works fine for me.