I run a script which connects a function to the jump event that prints something whenever the humanoid jumps. The event for that is humanoid.Jumping.
You can try recreating the code yourself (it’s literally less than 10 lines), and you’ll notice when you hit play that the game doesn’t actually consistently register when the humanoid jumps. You can even stand still and then jump and there would be a high chance that the game didn’t register that.
Does this happen to anyone else? Is this a bug, or it it just me?
It is usually best to detect when a humanoid is jumping using a local script, which you can store in StarterCharacterScripts, and firing a remote event to the server when the humanoid is jumping if you want the server to process it.
From a local script, you have quite a few events for detecting when the humanoid is jumping:
-- you already use this, but for the sake of completeness
-- fire remote here
if state == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then
-- fire remote here
return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass
-- You can also use Enum.KeyCode.Space
Those are all the input options I know, if anybody knows any others, I will add it to this list.