I wanted to make so my player have two different jump animations and they will play after each other (Jumped - plays first animation; Jumped again - plays second animation).
I used variable with a animation name to define which one to play
Example of my onJump function:
whichJUMP = "jump"
function onJumping()
whichJUMP = (whichJUMP == "jump" and "jump2") or (whichJUMP == "jump2" and "jump")
playAnimation(whichJUMP, 0.1, Humanoid)
jumpAnimTime = jumpAnimDuration
pose = "Jumping"
This is the output:

TL;DR When i press SPACE to jump it prints 2 times and so it will never change the whichJUMP variable… Is this a bug or i do something wrong?
I think it may due to how the event works, as even UserInputService.JumpRequest
experiences the same issue, you’ll have to put a debounce on the Jumping event to prevent multiple fires
Something like this?
function onJumping()
if jumpdeb == true then return end
jumpdeb = true
whichJUMP = (whichJUMP == "jump" and "jump2") or (whichJUMP == "jump2" and "jump")
playAnimation(whichJUMP, 0.1, Humanoid) --when the animations stops i set debounce to false
jumpAnimTime = jumpAnimDuration
pose = "Jumping"
I just tried it and it don’t work…
Yes, but you forgot to set it back to false, try this?
function onJumping()
if jumpdeb == true then return end
jumpdeb = true
whichJUMP = (whichJUMP == "jump" and "jump2") or (whichJUMP == "jump2" and "jump")
playAnimation(whichJUMP, 0.1, Humanoid) --when the animations stops i set debounce to false
jumpAnimTime = jumpAnimDuration
pose = "Jumping"
jumpdeb = false
No, i set a debouce to false when animation stops. I put a comment so you will understand, but it didn’t worked.
But your variant (set it to false after time and not after animation ends) works!
Thanks for helping 
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I think it was probably because it still being set to false way too fast, I didn’t read that comment so I was confused a bit so I thought it waiting a bit then setting it to false would work, which I’m glad it did!
If you have anymore issues don’t be afraid to make another post!
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