Humanoid:MoveTo() edge cases

I would like to see more documentation regarding the conditions under which Humanoid:MoveTo() stops walking or does not walk.
What does it mean for the character to “arrive” at its destination? How close does it try to get to the target? If it’s not as close as I want it to be and I call MoveTo again, it does not move because it already considers itself arrived. What can I do to make it more precise?


MoveTo() will make the character move towards the destination point and won’t stop until it reaches it’s destination OR 5 seconds has passed (which is to prevent NPCs getting stuck)

On that note, I’d also like to add that it would be nice if we could provide an custom argument to how long a humanoid will keep trying to reach it’s target destination.

Very useful for if you want the time to be longer/shorter than 5 seconds or if you want the humanoid to keep walking forever.

If I could make that a feature request I would.

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