HumanoidRootPart Colliding When Rotating

I’ve got a pretty annoying issue; So I made a system for my horse system that allows it to interact with the environment a lot more for realism. Basically it can walk over humps realisticly and wandering through bumpy terrain will look and feel realistic.

This is the issue:

As shown, The HRP collides with the terrain making it unbearably difficult to go up a steep hill.

I tried the following:

Making the HRP Non Collideable (Which fixed it however the horse sunk into the ground slightly, and would fly around)

Using a body velocity to keep the horse up while the HRP was non collideable (did not work, failed horribly.)

Setting custom properties for the HRP/Setting the root priority

I cannot figure out how to fix this, Has anyone here dealt with something similar? If so how did you fix it? If not please tell me what you think I can do.

I thought I’d mention this because it seems important, I am rotating the horse with a BodyGyro, So I have no idea if that’s what’s wrong.

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Humanoids rely on hip height to interact with the ground appropriately. In your situation, I would guess the best option is to make the root part can-collide false, and set the hip height accordingly. ( Or resize and add a new motor6d )

If you want the horse to tilt to the ground normal, or whatever it is you are doing, it would probably be better to not use humanoids as the core of the horse system.

In any assembly that has a Humanoid and has a HumanoidRootPart, you can’t disable its collisions. HipHeight will help in positioning it off the ground, however the Humanoid internally requires the root to have collisions enabled for raycasting purposes and will force it on every frame. Disabling collisions on the root also disables the raycasts, which OP saw through their horse sinking into the ground and making unexpected movements.