Humanoids Animations Glitch When HipHeight is Raised

MP4 of Glitch with 20 HipHeight

In this MP4, the place is a new Baseplate place with nothing added. After clicking Play, I made the HumanoidRootPart’s Transparency 0, then set the HipHeight to 20.

When raising the HipHeight, the Pose/Offset of the Root motor6D from animations (I’m not sure of the best way to describe this) becomes weird, becomes affected by gravity.

When disabling the default animate script by putting a blank local script named “Animate” in StarterCharacterScripts, the Motor6D works properly.


Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll follow up here when we have an update for you.


I am in the process of checking over bug reports and following up on some bugs that haven’t received any activity in a while.
Is this issue still occurring or can you confirm that this bug has been resolved? We are having a hard time reproducing this issue

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Attempt to Recreate Hip Height Issue

In this clip, I tested the hip height issue with my r15 avatar using my current equipped animations:

  • Cartoony Run
  • Knight Idle
    Near the end of the clip, I changed the idle and run animations to the toolNone animation to see if an animation that doesn’t animate the Hip joint will still cause the issue.
Attempt2 to Recreate Hip Height Issue

In this clip, I tested the hip height issue with both the r6 and r15 block rigs with the default animations from the Rig Buillder plugin from Roblox. The issue only shows for r15.

Yes, the issue is still occurring and I found that the issue only shows for r15 (Attempt2) and doesn’t occur when the animation playing doesn’t animate the Hip joint (Attempt1).

I’m not too familiar with r6 animations, so it may occur for the r6 rig too if the HumanoidRootPart to Torso Motor6D animates changes in Position.


Alright. Thanks for the info. When there is an update from engineering i will pass the info on.


This bug still exists. The repro steps are the same as above. Any updates on it?


I was a able to fix this after turning off the property AutomaticScalingEnabled in the Humanoid.


nice, that works on my end too
so now that makes this an issue with humanoid Automatic Scaling

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